Thursday, November 1, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Islamic precept are based upon the fact that they believe in darkness for their survival,
MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANITY. Thus this is my appeal to innocent girls from
becoming victim of love Jihad, till they may not inclined to perish their existence on this earth, where
woman are considered mother of the society.
There will be no generation of great men, until there are
women, free women of free mothers. There every women deserves sentiments. Women
should be honoured and adorned with appraisal. The religious act of family
where women are not honoured becomes fruitless. The family enjoys perpetual
propriety, where women are delighted. Therefore one should honour women as ‘
PUJYA DEVI’ and refrain from committing any atrocities upon them.
Equality on the basis of sex and individuality of women has
been recognized by the Indian Constitution. The number of laws has been enacted
to improve the lot of women, but it has not been successful in changing the
status of women. The women continue to be exploited, as they are dependent,
socially, economically and psychologically upon men.
Education, an important source of personality development and
emancipation has failed to bring women at par with men. Marriage being the sole
purpose of women’s life, education becomes only a means to attain that purpose.
Women constitute one of the economically backward social groups is in the need of
special economical and social protection
in the multifarious society, in Tradition, religion and law have conspired to
make women subordinate to men. The subordination of women is against the spirit
of democracy, it is against equality and justice. The abolition of Sati and
Lord Bentinck ( Bengal Sati Regulation, 1929) was no doubt the first legal
measure for social reform. Legalization of widow’s remarriage, prohibition of
child marriage and recognition of widow’s property rights were some of the
other reforms made during British Rule. The Constitution of India, realizing
the special need for ameliorative efforts to bring about equality between man
and woman provided the special provision for women and children. The
egalitarian thrust provided the right to an adequate means of livelihood. The
special provision for maternity relief reveals the anxiety of implementation of
social obligation.
Law Meant for alleged emancipation of women by conferring them
their right to live with dignity at their matrimonial home by enactment of
certain law, where the presumption is now shifted upon accused is very commendable
respected phenomenon, but conversion of the Hindus girl adhering the Islamic
perceptions for her Matrimonial alliance is commendable. The right of
maintenance, alimony and social security to women in their matrimonial home is
also a nice legislature as the lady after leaving her parents home remain stand
still , if she is not given maintenance by her husband. "It's a serious
case. Her husband can be charged with forced sex selection, pressurizing her to
go for female feticide and, above all, domestic violence. In social field, the
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 took a step of abolishing poly gamy amongst Hindus.
The provision in Cr.P.C. u/s 125 for getting maintenance, amendment u/s 376
I.P.C. and the promulgation of the provision of Dowry death r/w section 113-B
of the Evidence Act has provided the substantial measurements for the
eradication of prevailing maladies of oppression upon the women. The Hindu
adoptions and maintenance Act, 1956, the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and Hindu
Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 provided a substantial degree to remove the
disabilities of Hindu women. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 was passed with an
ostensible idea of checking the evil. The practice of dowry has emerged as a
major social evil, which is reflected in large number of cases of "Dowry
Deaths". The reluctance of parents of the victim to lodge a report is the
reason for this personal nature of the crime.The right of domestic violence and
cruelty committed upon her should have been examined first by the team of lady
police and high officials before taken any drastic action against her husband,
because report of this type may lead to the fragmentations of the cords, which
are foundations of matrimonial alliances. These rights have some time eroded
the basic foundations and have become detrimental to the interest of the women
itself, as on the basis of which the Hindus family was having its existence in
the Society. The Muslims society, in which polygamous husbands having their
diversions for many marriages, on the foundation of their prophet Mohammad, who
after becoming alone from the dread slavery of his life under Mussmat Khadiza
became the owner of vast property and their after married not only four time
till his death in 522 A.D., but many times. This fact that the Sex with step
daughter in laws is also relevant as Prophet had married with, whom on account
of the wife of his step son, further find the authenticity as what ever the
Prophet done in his life time, has become the religious traditions in Hadish. After
all, he is the guiding source to enlightened an individual for giving him the
training of adhering his traits, as the only way to find out the Allah, who
alone may enshrined the way to enter in paradises, where 72 Hurray and 23 Nihamatey
are waiting their to pacify the carnal desire. Thus according to Islamic traditions
exploitation of the women and to use her as the tool of pacifying the sexual
desire is the path, which can lead to its follower the manner, in which Allah
can be approached. The other factor of cruelty upon commonly followed as the
sect of the Islam, is inflicting the injury of scalper and their after to watch
the cruel death of animal, to whom Hindus and Pagan worshiped. This practice
develops adulterine in the body of the animal, dying with utter most pain, but
since the Islam is a political agenda to terrify the Hindus, the same is given
the name of the religion of PEACE. The massage in azan is simple and alarming
that those are infidels, who worship any other god, except the god adhering to
sex and violence. The third is the mob violence when they assemble together for
offering Nawaz, and from there they suddenly started the provocations of their onslaughts
upon the innocent people adhering the Religion of non violence, tranquility amongst
each other in society and to worship the symbol of worship, which is providing
the equilibrium in the environment and controlling our ecological cycle from
forth coming universe disaster, in which the Animal Kingdom as well as our
plants, which are providing the necessary ingredients of for survival of the
society and for treatment of the ailment and decease through the extract of the
plant, to which the Islam desire to convert it to the desert for establishing
the superiority of the Moon, instead of the sun, required for photosynthesis
through Plant chlorophyll. This universe is controlled through adhesion theory
of the planets on one side of earth and Sun on other side of earth. Here is
nothing like the thing that sun remains submerged inside the water of the Sea
and becomes cold and red , but soon the Pagan Hindus worshipping deity living their starts their arsenal thrown upon
the followers of Allah, and as such you wake up in night after remain hidden
through out the day time inside your shelter usually below the earth, and start
eating, when you saw the moon and than as per Al takiya do the attack from
their back, while pagan of Hindus are fast asleep and one day you will rule
this earth. Thus the ideological conceptions of Islamic precept are based upon
the fact that they believe in darkness for their survival, while the pagan and
Hindus believed on truth and falsehood is crime for them. The Mughal from Babar
to Sahajahan could survive in this Nation with the Support of Bhartiya Thakur,
as they adhered their promises not to kill any animal worshipped by Hindus and
were became the followers of the religion of dean-e-illahi cum Arya Samaj
Perceptions of Spiritual Adherence. It was Aurangzeb, who was fanatic Muslim and
got 5000 Temples usurped through his foreman and soon the Islam from this land
of Bharat Versa vanished for ever, if the Britishers through their Shrewd mentality
would have not given the revival of the Islam. It was thought that Muslims will
be the supporters of the Britishers to exploit the recourses of this Country
under the Policy of “Divide and Rule” and thus every law was planted upon Hindus
in such a manner, as it may abrogate and subjugate the very foundations, on the
basis of the great ethical foundation, the very existence of the great Religion
of Sanatana Hindus were remain in existence from the time immortal. The same
was based upon great scientific invention, which has become Cristal clear after
the research of many years in research institutes. The problem with the Roman Catholics
and Christianity are different as there religion worships the orphans as ebullient
god. His mother is still considered to be the virgin still after the delivery
of Christ. The essence in the religion may be for giving adequate respect to
those who have been born orphans, but it is certainly not to promote prostitutesism,
or for eroding the institute of marriage, which is based upon the sacrificial
incarnations of individual existence and promoting heredity. Christianity believes
on one hand that the service of the person in need is the service to the God,
because the protections are given to the child for survival on the alimony
provided to them by their Government. On the Contrary, the government of India
erodes the foundations of the down trodden segmentations in the society, while
the dacoit robs to rich, but not plunder the national recourses, which at
present every government, except the government of Gujarat and Bihar have started
doing the same. Ultimately this is in regards to the half of the total
population, on which the folk of womanhood is craving to get their fundamental rights
and livelihood.
Women by and large constitute a neglected section of the
society. There is now indisputable evidence of steady decline in the value of
women in society. The following trends may be responsible in this context: -
(1) excessive morality amongst women and female child. (2) glaring disparity
between men and women in access to medical services (3) Persistent decline in
sex ratio. (4) Illiteracy and unemployment of women. Dowry is a clear Affirmation of the fact that
one’s gender determines one’s worth or significance. Since worth is distributed
unequally amongst the sexes at birth, worth deficiency amongst females can be
offset by material additives.
Dowry is the most prominent additive. In the survey of the
cases of unnatural deaths of young women, this hypothesis suggested itself
again and again. Brides who earn more that their husbands are made to feel an
obligation to supply ‘dowry goods and services’ long after their marriage, just
as those women who earn nothing. Society perceives woman as economically less
productive than man (or unproductive) and, therefore, a female is regarded as a
net economic drain on a family. At marriage, when the female is in transit
between the two households, the family that accepts her is perceived to be
saddled with a net economic liability, while the household that is losing her
is in fact losing a liability. Dowry is, therefore, a compensatory payment to
the family, which agrees to shelter her, hypothetically for the rest of her
life. And precisely for this reason, dowry is a recurring phenomenon, which
lasts a lifetime.
In Air India Vs, Nargesh Meerau (1981) 4 SCC 335, an Air
hostesses case, according to regulation 46 and 47, the air hostesses shall
retire on following contingencies (1) on attaining age of 35 years (2) on
marriage, if it took place within four years of service (3) on first pregnancy.
On other hand, Assistant Flight persons were retiring at the age of 55 or 58
years. Both categories continued the same cabin crew. The Apex court observed
that compelling the air hostess not to have any children and thus interfere
with and diverts the ordinary course of human action. The Apex court observed
that this provision is not only manifestly unreasonable and arbitrary, but
contains the quality of unfairness and exhibits " naked despotism"
and therefore violative of Article 14. There are vide variety of women
employees i.e. (1) small segment in workforce as executives and prestigious
professionals (2) semi professionals like nurses, school teachers who are hired
not only for their skills and intelligence, but presumably for their looks too.
(3) The lowest economic stratum, predominantly illiterate semi literate. We
have to see that (1) whether there are set of laws which meaningfully deals
with the stresses and strains faced by women in workforce (2) Do existing law
discriminate in any way against those women? (3) are the existing law
comprehensive enough to protect the interest of women ? (4) What are the
special steps required to meet the specific disabilities faced by women (5) Is
there the need for special laws to meet the disabilities faced by women. Laws,
as we know, are only regulatory and not curative and had this not been so.
Nothing would have been easier for us and to make laws against all social evils
and find the next morning that our society has become heaven. The eradication
of an evil lies not so much in law as in the society itself. No society can
exists, breathe and move without a base and this base is provided by norms and
Let us have
an introspection upon the prevailing maladies and get the effective implementation
of the better idea, the better measurements as to prevent them by the strong
will power in order to protect the half of the human being which constituted
the part of the women folk in the society.
Yogesh Kumar Saxena, Advocate, High Court Allahabad
(India) e mail Address,,,,,,
or Mobile:- 9792131584,
7800888892, 9415284843
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
What do you think whether our judiciary conferred with the power of judicial review under our constitution has been successful to deal with the plight of living dead?constitutional scheme, was directly resulting into the notion of conferring the absolute power to the respective ministry
Act no 59 of 1976 from Indian Audit and Accounts departments
which was earlier under the control of
C.& AG to the newly formed department of Civil Accounts under the Controller General of Accounts under
department of Expenditure ministry of Finance.
constitution of India provides that the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India shall be appointed by the
President by warrant under his hand and seal who shall not
be removed from Office, except in the like manner and on the like
grounds as a Judge of Supreme Court. The term of appointment shall be for a
period of 5 years and the condition of service and salary of the Comptroller
and Auditor General of India shall be such as may be determined by Parliament
by Law and until they are so determined, shall be as specified in the second
schedule of the constitution. The
Comptroller and Auditor General shall perform such duties and exercise such
powers in relation to the accounts of the union and of the states and of any
other authority or body as may be prescribed or under any law made by
Parliament. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General relating to the
accounts so maintained of the union
shall be submitted to the President who shall cause them to be laid
before each house of Parliament . The report relating to the accounts of the
states shall be submitted to the Governor who shall cause them to be laid
before the legislature of the states.
That the
present accounting system applicable to most Ministries and departments in
essentially external to Financial management function in that the payment made
by the treasuries and accounts are compiled by audit and accounts offices under
the control of the Comptroller and Auditor General on the basis of initial and
subsidiary accounts received by them from the treasuries. This system worked
fairly well when Governmental business was limited. With the increase ion the
volume and variety of Governmental business
and the continual set-up of developmental outlays, this system has
proved inadequate to the administration task.
The scheme of
separation of accounts from audit was to be implemented in selective ministries
e.g communication, civil aviation, tourism, industries and civil supplies w.e.f
April 1976, where the expansion regarding the
expenditures and its audit was felt to be providing certain constraint
and thereby resulting into the delay in implementation of the schemes at the
relevant time. However by the gradual
increase of the power with these ministries, the similar laxity in relation to
the procedural safeguard was further provided
the other ministries resulting into the defeat of the very purposes for
which the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General was given the power
through checks and balances. The effect of the aforesaid process has resulted in the departmentalisation of union
accounts enacted in 1976 and the transfer of personnel was given effect by the
enforcement of the Act no 59 of 1976 from Indian Audit and Accounts departments
which was earlier under the control of
C.& AG to the newly formed department of Civil Accounts under the Controller General of Accounts under
department of Expenditure ministry of Finance. In this manner the office of
C& AG which was constituted under the
scheme of the constitution of
India to provide the restraint to the expenditure disproportionate from its own
discretion by the relevant ministries was brought under the ministry of Finance
and thereby giving the unbridle powers to the ministers and thereby
overthrowing the constitutional mandate securing the safeguard over the
whimsical expenditure. According to the legal opinion of the constitutional experts, the
diversification of the financial powers
to be utilised by the sole discretion of the bureaucrats without taking into
consideration the Audit objections, which could have been made under the
original constitutional scheme, was directly resulting into the notion of
conferring the absolute power to the respective ministry. This was against the
democratic, federal and republic set-up
of our Constitution. The aforesaid
concept of the parliamentarian democracy, providing the fraternity to an
individual in preamble of the constitution,
was an attack on its basic structure. This has led to an inadequate
financial control which would have been benefited to the nation if such power
were remained with C&AG in India.
That it would
be relevant to point out that the office of the Auditor General of India was
created under the Government Of India Act 1935 for exercising the control over
expenditure incurred by Central And
State Governments and for proper accounting thereof in such forms and in such
manner as may be prescribed by him and he was also responsible for rendering a
complied account of receipt and expenditure to the Centre and State Governments
and he was also required to submit report on the result of Audit in his Audit
report to the Governor- General and
the Governor of the States for laying it before respective legislatures
. That after coming over the constitution of India the Auditor General was designated as Comptroller Audit General
of India under chapter V of the constitution. The state Govt. which lavishly
spends crores on the refreshment
allowances of its ministers, now is facing a crisis that it does not have
enough money in its coffers to deposit the premium of insurance cover for 1
lakh employees of local bodies due for
their group insurance scheme. As a result of this misutilisation of the public
money the insurance scheme of these employees has lapsed and the life insurance
corporation has expressed its inability to consider any future claim as part of
the scheme in case of the death of a employee. The LIC missive state that the
group insurance scheme of some 94.165 local bodies employees stands forfeited due to non deposit of approximately
the premium of Rs 1.83 crores due on it from the last seven months. The LIC
informed that the interest at the rate of 12% would also levied on the amount
due to delay in payment of the premium. It is based on the idea for having LIC’s
Master policy 4912 under its group insurance scheme which was mooted in 1977 by
the state Govt. The Directorate of the local bodies makes a monthly payment of
Rs 21.63 per member to the LIC while a employee make a payment of Rs 20 from
his salary while Rs 1.63 is contributed by the state Govt. each months towards
the policy, for which the LIC shrugs off future claims in case of the policy
holders death where his next kin get Rs 25,000 under the scheme beside the
premium deducted from his salary is also refunded with a 10% interest on the
amount. Similarly an employee on its retirement get a premium deposited by him
back with a 10% interest on the amount from the insurance firm. This is due to
extravagance of public finance and curbing the powers and duties of Comptroller
and Auditor General with effect from the time of enforcement of the Act no 59
of 1976 putting the earlier control of
the C&AG under the Department of Expenditure Ministry of Finance in State
of U.P.
Question& Answer
Question: What do you think whether our judiciary conferred
with the power of judicial review under our constitution has been successful to
deal with the plight of living dead?
Answer :The
constitution is supreme and all the three pillars functions under its strict
supervision . the supremacy of the parliament and the power of the Hon'ble
Constitutional Courts in India have gone through a consistent efforts for
providing a harmonious construction to build up a foundation on which our
country may survive . The doctrine of immunity from legislation against the
enactment through legislation has undergone a great struggle whenever the
Hon'ble Constitutional Court found the infringement of fundamental rights of
the citizen . However on account of excessive burden and the need for securing
the effective exercise of the judicial review by the Hon'ble Constitutional
Courts even with regards to Administrative action , there is an unchecked flow
of litigation for every invasion of the right under the garb of the
infringement of the fundamental rights.
Whether you speculate in this process any tough battle for securing the basic
structure of our constitution with the doctrine of Supremacy of the parliament
and how far it is important for the healthy growth of our welfare state .
Answer: The
rigours to demotion of judicial writ power by some of the constitutional
amendments like 42nd Amendment has been declared ultra virus in Minerva Mills
Case (1980) 3 S.CC 625 , Waman Rao case (1981) 2 S.C.C 362 and in L. Chandra
Kumar case (1997 ) 3 S.C.C 261 reaffirming the majority verdict of the landmark
judgement of Keshavananda Bharti case of 13 judge constitution bench of the
Hon'ble Supreme Court . The jurisdiction conferred upon the Hon'ble
constitutional Courts including the High Courts under Article 226 and Article
227 has been held as a part of the basic structure of the constitution. Thus
not even the power of legislative enactment but also the power conferred under
Article 368 to Amend the constitution may be subjected to judicial review by
the Apex Court .
Whether you think that in this process the expression "Procedure
established by Law " as enshrined in Article 21 has now been replaced by
"due process of law" as evident in American Constitution ?
Article 14 has two concepts which is a unique feature in Indian constitution.
Most of the constitutions of the world either speaks of "equality before
the law" or the "equal protection of the laws". Both these
concepts although appears to be the same are not actually the same . The
equality before the law refers as to providing the equality before the
substantive laws of the nation as illustrated in Article 15 to 18 and also
under Article 38, 39, 39A, 41and 46 of the constitution . The connotation equal
protection of law contemplates for minimising the inequalities and for
eliminating the inequalities in status , facilities , opportunities , values of
lives with social care towards educational and economic interest not only
amongst citizen but also amongst the group of the citizens. This Article
forbids class legislation except being founded on an intelligible differential
and to have a rational relation to the object sought to be achieved by the
statute in question . The test of classification must be rational . However by
the efflux of time , Article 21 which is couched in negative language by the
framers of our Constitution has undergone the major change by interpretation
through its positive angle having the inhibition contained therein i.e.
"life " as synonymous to "livelihood" by taking into
consideration that by abrogation and subjugation of the means of the living
there shall be no life . This was done to get the rid of the radical innovation
providing an instrument of status quo upholding the traditions of Anglo-Saxon
jurisprudence and resisting radical innovation in the use of judicial power to
promote social change by the so called judicial activism . The other concepts
such as "Rule of Law" , "Judicial restraint" ,
"Separation of power", supremacy of fundamental right s over
directive principles and "Procedure established under Law"
conveniently to avoid change whenever possible through the assistance of two
concepts of Article 14 as whenever required delete it and whenever inevitable
dilute it as far as practicable and thus the discretionary powers were
exercised in the different manner by inviting the diversities in the opinion of
the constitutional Courts while dealing with Quasi judicial actions .
Question :
Thus you mean to say that Article 21 of the constitution is not a fundamental
right of the citizen as is being dealt with by the Hon'ble Supreme Court and
has been included in the chapter of fundamental rights ?
Answer: True
, Article 21 has been included in the chapter of fundamental right under our constitution
but the same is a fundamental duty of the government as to provide protection
against depriving any person of his life or personal liberty . There is only
one individual fundamental right of the citizen i.e Article 19 . Article 25 and
26 is a collective right to the freedom of conscience and right to profess ,
practise and propagate religion and also to manage religious affairs . Thus
every fundamental duty casted upon the government which is providing the
protection to the individual may be read with the reasonable restrictions as
contemplated in sub articles (2)to (6) of Article 19 of our constitution thus
the constitution has provided a "check and balance" over the power of
the Hon'ble Courts and the duties casted upon the government . In this manner
the Hon'ble Courts while interpreting these Articles of fundamental rights may
dealt with the individual as to whether the right which implies the forbearance
to perform the duty by the Government has got the qualification prescribed in
the yard stick of the reasonable restrictions or the constitution with the
galaxy of so called fundamental right may be ruled in respect of its governance
by the political set-up having co-ordination with divisive forces to the
oppression of the people at large which has not been done after independence.
What was the need of introducing Article 51A when already there were
fundamental duties of the Government ?
Answer: Every
right implies the forbearance on the part of other to perform his duty as right
and duty is correlated and coexistent. After independence our country has been
ruled with governance through laissez faire and the citizens have miserably
forgotten there duties under the spirit of availing an aspirant cherished
freedom . Thus the chapter of unenforceable fundamental duties was introduced
with effect from 3.1.1977 by 42nd amendment .
Question :
Why there is a pendency of number of litigation before the Constitutional
Courts in which the case of the living people who have been declared as dead people
in the official records have not been dealt with in time .?
Answer: The
right of the people has been considered in the different dimension against
every atrocities committed by the administration in discharge of their duty as
the custodian of the public trust . The concept of public trust doctrine was
developed by the Constitutional Courts to provide the safety to an individual
as susceptible to abuse in discharge of the role by our Constitutional courts
as a sentinel on quivive . The maxim of "ubi us ibi remedium" (where
there is a right , there is a remedy ) was sparingly applied in respect of
administrative action without considering as to whether the same is quasi
judicial or not . The separation of power which was embodied to certain extent
in our constitution and having its elasticity to provide pervasive potency and
versatile quality has been diluted in absence of any accountability towards
administrative action. Thus there was a flow of litigation before the
constitutional Courts even in respect of violation of every right for which the
administrative authority were responsible to exercise their power as the
custodian of the public duty .Thus due to paucity of time , the genuine
litigation was circumvented by unscrupulous litigation and there by suppressing
the fundamental right of a bonafide citizen .
Question: Do
you think that the present system can be rectified by enacting more legislation
by the parliament or it may be left to the Constitutional Courts to eradicate
the prevailing maladies ?
Answer There
must be an accountability fixed with every officer and bureaucrats in the
society regarding there abuse of power and judicial review which comprises the
power of judicial superintendence over every sub-ordinate authority may be
necessarily applied by the higher judiciary .There is a requirement of complete
separation of power between three institutions on which our democratic set-up
is dependent the adequate punishment be implemented in the deterrent and
punitive manner as to create an example to the other wrong doer specially under
the circumstances when the integrity and the prosperity of the nation is
involved. In case of malafide exercise of power not only the action which is
done contrary to the object may be rectified but there may be a judicial
scrutiny for recommending the departmental disciplinary proceeding against the
official who has passed such order with extraneous considerations. There should
be the limit over the privilege conferred with every public servant who is not
only a custodian of the power but also owe the duties towards the citizens who
are considered in our constitution as the sovereign of the sovereignty .
What do you think to be the source of the power of judicial review ?
Answer :It may be traced to the classic enunciation of the principles laid
down by the Chief Justice John Marshall of U.S Supreme Court in Marbury Vs
Madison ( 1 Crunch : 2 L Ed 60 (1803 ) ) as the origin of this power is never
attributed to one source alone . It has been laid down that the judiciary
dealing with interpretation of Law is duty bound while expounding and
interpreting the Law and to see as to whether the Law is repugnant to the
settled norms of the constitutions otherwise the same be declared as void .In
America where the Supreme Court has assumed extensive power of reviewing the
legislative Acts while in our constitution this power is conferred by the
expressed provision contained in Article 13 of the constitution of India . Thus
the power of judicial review has now considered to be an integral part of our
constitutional system .
What do you think to be the role of the Advocates in the process of judicial
discipline and thereby providing a check and balance over misutilisation of the
judicial and quasi judicial power by the public servant ?
Answer : In America the Lawyers may conduct the
investigation in respect of the wrong committed with the people through their
own investigation agencies and there is there is the power vested with every
officer to deal with the misuse of power by any person without taking the
accent from the higher elechon in the hierarchical set-up of superior authority
in some of the European countries .However in India we have no such power to
fix an accountability towards a public wrong by an Advocate and also by any
honest official as there is a vicious circle in our Bureaucratic set-up where
there is larger privilege and lesser responsibility. Thus we have become a
silent spectator of the situation which is going to be the worst by the process
of time . The apathy of the intellectual echoes back into a vacuum which has
neither any ventilation for providing the fresh air to our people . Till such
time when the intellectuals in the society may not be allowed to run the public
administration nothing can be achieved in our nation.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Qur’an. Read the actual passages
We urge everyone to read the
Qur’Hindus and conquest which is demonstrated daily by an. Read the actual passages for yourself and you will discover the
source of the intolerance, repression, cruelty, violence, suicide bombing,
hatred for those
we often hear described as “Islamists”, “fundamentalists”, “radicals” or “those
who have hijacked Islam”. Actually, these Muslims may correctly be
regarded as simply being true and obedient Muslims. “Moderate”
Muslims are generally those who aren’t directly involved in the militant
activities, but often they may be engaged in financial support of the
terrorists or other non-militant forms of jihad. Even these moderates can be a
threat. Some secular Muslims who may be regarded as “non-practicing
Muslims” may not be much of a threat at all.
Every word of the Qur’an is regarded as the direct utterance of Allah, spoken to Muhammad who then recited them to his followers. Faithful Muslims regard them to be as binding and immutable today as when first uttered in the 7th century.
Muslims will often argue that you cannot possibly understand the Qur’an unless you read it in the original Arabic because of its’ poetic beauty in Arabic. Nonsense! Between 75% and 80% of the Muslims in the world neither read nor speak Arabic, and translations are available. A poem by Robert Service or Rudyard Kipling may loose some of its’ poetic richness when translated into Chinese, but its’ message can still be quite understandable to a Chinese reader. The web site of USC’s Muslim Student Association features three different English translations. Obviously, these are widely acceptable and provided because Arabic is not understood by many Muslims.
There are a number of internet sites where you can obtain a free Qur’an in English. Simply Google “free Qur’an”. Look for a source which includes free shipping. We have obtained several in this manner and had no subsequent spamming or solicitation problems. The “free” Qur’an you receive will likely be Jusuf Ali’s translation, one which has been somewhat sanitized or edited to modify the most egregious language. This is obviously a translation which Muslims would prefer that you read.
Another group, the Al-Furqaan Foundation, is now distributing a “free” translation titled “English Translation of the Meaning of the Qur’an” by a Professor (Dr. Syed Vicar Ahamed). These are being placed, like Gideon Bibles, in hotels, and probably also in prisons and among servicemen. It may well be a translation designed specifically to disarm the uninformed. We have not yet reviewed it.
When you read the Qur’an, and we hope you will, don’t start reading it from front to back like a novel. You will find it to be hopelessly disjointed, boring, and confusing. It is not arranged in chronological order like the Holy Bible. Rather, it has generally been arranged from the longest sura (revelation) to the shortest. There is no universally accepted chronological sequence. A number of scholars have attempted to develop such, but none seem to totally agree. We have researched and compared 5 or 6 different sequences and find that most substantially agree. The following chronological listing can be considered quite reliable.
There are a total of 114 suras, all delivered between 610 and 632 A.D. You will note that most of the earliest are actually found near the back of the Qur’an. However, their chronological sequence is very important, as the doctrine of naskh, or abrogation (see below), establishes the principal that later suras abrogate (supercede) any earlier suras which they happen to contradict.
The first 86 suras recited by Muhammad are reported to have come forth in the first thirteen years of his ministry while he still resided at Mecca. During this Meccan period, Muhammad was trying to attract followers without making enemies, a tricky task as the most powerful tribe derived substantial profit from the pilgrimages of polytheists and pagans to the Kabbah.
There were 360 different idols located in and around the Kabbah, the holy shrine at Mecca; and passing caravans, travelers, and pilgrims were invited to stop over, leave sacrifices or offerings to their idols or gods, refresh themselves and their beasts, and spend money. Muhammad’s “revelations” that there was but one god, Allah, were not warmly received. In fact, he incurred considerable rejection and persecution during this Meccan period. The suras produced during the Meccan period are generally quite benign and replete with teachings found in the Old and New Testaments encouraging charity, tolerance, patience, peace, compassion, forgiveness, etc.
During his entire 13 year ministry in Mecca, he managed to convert only several hundred followers to his new religion, mostly members of his own household, personal acquaintances, or those from the disenfranchised of Meccan society, attracted possibly by exhortations to care for the poor.
Every word of the Qur’an is regarded as the direct utterance of Allah, spoken to Muhammad who then recited them to his followers. Faithful Muslims regard them to be as binding and immutable today as when first uttered in the 7th century.
Muslims will often argue that you cannot possibly understand the Qur’an unless you read it in the original Arabic because of its’ poetic beauty in Arabic. Nonsense! Between 75% and 80% of the Muslims in the world neither read nor speak Arabic, and translations are available. A poem by Robert Service or Rudyard Kipling may loose some of its’ poetic richness when translated into Chinese, but its’ message can still be quite understandable to a Chinese reader. The web site of USC’s Muslim Student Association features three different English translations. Obviously, these are widely acceptable and provided because Arabic is not understood by many Muslims.
There are a number of internet sites where you can obtain a free Qur’an in English. Simply Google “free Qur’an”. Look for a source which includes free shipping. We have obtained several in this manner and had no subsequent spamming or solicitation problems. The “free” Qur’an you receive will likely be Jusuf Ali’s translation, one which has been somewhat sanitized or edited to modify the most egregious language. This is obviously a translation which Muslims would prefer that you read.
Another group, the Al-Furqaan Foundation, is now distributing a “free” translation titled “English Translation of the Meaning of the Qur’an” by a Professor (Dr. Syed Vicar Ahamed). These are being placed, like Gideon Bibles, in hotels, and probably also in prisons and among servicemen. It may well be a translation designed specifically to disarm the uninformed. We have not yet reviewed it.
When you read the Qur’an, and we hope you will, don’t start reading it from front to back like a novel. You will find it to be hopelessly disjointed, boring, and confusing. It is not arranged in chronological order like the Holy Bible. Rather, it has generally been arranged from the longest sura (revelation) to the shortest. There is no universally accepted chronological sequence. A number of scholars have attempted to develop such, but none seem to totally agree. We have researched and compared 5 or 6 different sequences and find that most substantially agree. The following chronological listing can be considered quite reliable.
There are a total of 114 suras, all delivered between 610 and 632 A.D. You will note that most of the earliest are actually found near the back of the Qur’an. However, their chronological sequence is very important, as the doctrine of naskh, or abrogation (see below), establishes the principal that later suras abrogate (supercede) any earlier suras which they happen to contradict.
The first 86 suras recited by Muhammad are reported to have come forth in the first thirteen years of his ministry while he still resided at Mecca. During this Meccan period, Muhammad was trying to attract followers without making enemies, a tricky task as the most powerful tribe derived substantial profit from the pilgrimages of polytheists and pagans to the Kabbah.
There were 360 different idols located in and around the Kabbah, the holy shrine at Mecca; and passing caravans, travelers, and pilgrims were invited to stop over, leave sacrifices or offerings to their idols or gods, refresh themselves and their beasts, and spend money. Muhammad’s “revelations” that there was but one god, Allah, were not warmly received. In fact, he incurred considerable rejection and persecution during this Meccan period. The suras produced during the Meccan period are generally quite benign and replete with teachings found in the Old and New Testaments encouraging charity, tolerance, patience, peace, compassion, forgiveness, etc.
During his entire 13 year ministry in Mecca, he managed to convert only several hundred followers to his new religion, mostly members of his own household, personal acquaintances, or those from the disenfranchised of Meccan society, attracted possibly by exhortations to care for the poor.
CELEBRATE VICTORY OVER PAKISTAN war in Kargil against Pakistan a decade ago.
The Indian Army officers and Jawans, along with their Indian Air
Force comrades-in-arms, won a war in Kargil against Pakistan a decade ago. It
was 26 July 1999 when the last of the Pakistan Army intruders beat a retreat
leaving their fallen compatriots in uniform on the Indian soil
unhonoured,unwept, unsung and unburied. Indians rejoiced their victory
from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari and Kamrup to Kutch and named it Kargil Vijay
Divas. A decade has gone by, much water has flown down the Ganges but nefarious
designs of the treacherous neighbour go on unabated. Never mind what the
defeated do, as always we are magnanimous in our victory.
The Indian Army pays homage to our martyrs and celebrates the glorious victory of a hard-fought war. Those who fell for the cause of the country shall always be honoured in the Hall of Fame because they gave their today for our tomorrow. It is for patriotic martyrs that the poet sung these lines:
How else can a man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods.
Let us, at the outset, recall the gallantry of those officers and jawans who displayed gallantry of the highest order in the face of the enemy and beyond the call of duty. Of the fighting four who were honoured by the Nation with Param Vir Chakra, our highest gallantry award, the two officers had made the supreme sacrifice and the two Jawans are still on the rolls of their regiments. It would be appropriate to chronicle their brave deeds and how they beat the Pakistani soldiers hollow and made them realise in the heart of their hearts that their surreptitious intrusion into India that was masterminded by none other than General Pervez Musharraf, the then Pakistan Army Chief , was against the tenets of their own religion. What an unsoldierly behaviour the Pakistani planners displayed when they left their dead comrades-in-arms to be buried by Indian soldiers on the Indian soil. How humane our Army is had become the talk of the town all over. We now return
to our heroes of Kargil war, recalling just the four highest gallantry medal winners for now.
Capt Vikram Batra, PVC
“Personally leading an assault, Captain Vikram Batra engaged the enemy in a fierce hand to hand fight and killed five enemy soldiers at point blank range.During the assault he rallied his men, pressed home the attack and finally succeeded what seemed to be a militarily impossible task.
For his unparalleled feats of conspicuous personal gallantry, exemplaryleadership and selfless devotion to duty, Captain Vikram Batra was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra.”
Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey,PVC
This young officer led his platoon of Gorkha soldiers on the high hills of Khalubar and assaulted sangar after sangar dislodging the enemy soldiers from the high ground. Unmindful of his injuries sustained from the enemy fire, lt Manoj led his men from the front. At the fourth enemy sangar, he was grievously injured by the enemy machine gun fire but still threw a hand grenade killing many Pakistani soldiers. Thus his platoon could gain a foothold at Khalubar enabling his fellow soldiers advance further and recapture the Indian territory. Lt Pandey made the supreme sacrifice in the cause of the country and was posthumously awarded Param Vir Chakra.
Rifleman Sanjoy Kumar, PVC
He was the leading scout of a column detailed to recapture our territory from Pakistan Army. When the Indian soldiers came under enemy fire, Sanjoy , unmindful of his personal safety, charged at the well fortified enemy position in the Mushkoh valley.”In the ensuing hand to hand combat, he killed three Pakistani soldiers and was himself grievously injured. Unmindful of his wounds, he charged at another enemy sangar and the enemy fled leaving behind a machine gun.His bravery motivated his fellow soldiers who captured the entire area.
For his most conspicuous gallantry against heavy odds leading to the capture of an important objective, Rifleman Sanjoy Kumar was awarded Param Vir Chakra.
Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav, PVC
He was a part of the leading element of the Ghatak platoon tasked to capture the Tiger Hill Top.The approach to the 16,500ft top was rocky and snowy. Yogendra volunteered to climb up, fix a rope there to enable others to climb up. The enemy was surprised but reacted violently opening fire from every weapon they had. Three Grenadiers, including the team leader, were killed and advance stalled. Grenadier Yadav , unmindful of his personal safety, crawled to the enemy sangar, lobbed grenades while firing from his rifle and killed four Pakistani soldiers silencing their automatic fire.Notwithstanding injuries received in his arm and leg, grenadier yadav attacked another enemy sangar with success. Inspired by Yadav, the Ghatak platoon fought fiercely dislodging the enemy from the most important Tiger Hill Top.
For most conspicuous courage well beyond the call of duty, Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav was awarded Param Vir Chakra.
There were many more officers and men of the Indian Army who fought bravely to recover the lost Indian territory. Some sons of the brave did not return home. They made the supreme sacrifice. Those who returned told the saga of valour and their narration was heard with rapt attention by the new generation. How many went to war, how many were killed in action and how many survived is a matter of military history. What is of primary importance is that the entire Indian nation was ONE in India’s fight against a treacherous enemy. It is of importance that the Indian Army, supported by our Air Force, fought and won against Pakistan – our second victory against the enemy, including the one in the 1971 war. Since our independence in 1947, Pakistan has thrust four wars on us. The Indian Army was victorious in all four, notwithstanding the evil designs, imported arms and tacit, sometimes open, support of the United States that scheming Pakistan had had.
Where did Pakistan go wrong in Kargil? In their overconfidence and relying on their forward planning, they had the initial advantage of the element of Surprise in War and occupied a vast chunk of Indian territory – 160 km long and ten km in width or depth –but they did not take into account bravery of young officers of the Indian Army and Air Force as well as the unity of people of India. The whole of India stood by our Jawans and provided them both moral and material support. General Musharraf had miscalculated the resolve of the Vajpayee government in not only defending the motherland but also launching a counter offensive to free entire Kargil of Pakistani elements. In 1965 general Ayub of Pakistan had made a similar miscalculation in assessing the firm resolve and determination of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri of India. Pakistan was stunned when Shastri Ji ordered the Indian Army to cross the international border and attack Pakistan’s
Punjab. Likewise General Yahya Khan failed to read the mind of Smt Indira Gandhi who succeeded in dismembering Pakistan and giving birth to Bangla Desh. The Kargil misadventure of our hostile neighbour was a link in the chain of anti-India design aimed at destabilising our country. The moral of the story for India is: Never trust Pakistan and their leadership, both civil and military.
Rejoicings and celebrations after a well deserved victory in war is a must. It is a morale raising factor for the combatants, both serving and retired. The victory parades all over cantonments and non-cantonment towns make the new generation aware of the valour and wisdom of our armed forces. When the nation is threatened by an enemy, it can trust its armed forces who will deliver the goods. The young boys and girls make a resolution to follow the high ideals of the forefathers and the generation gone by and prepare themselves mentally to make the supreme sacrifice, if need be.
Perhaps there is a school of thought that believes that past should be buried and a base be made for economic cooperation. The votaries of this school for scandal are bureaucrats who had once advised the Government of India not to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of our victory on Pakistan in 1971. It is good that the political leadership turned a deaf ear to the advice of the chicken-hearted gentlemen. I am afraid they are misreading the mind of the wily enemy who is preparing to wage a thousand year war against India. Let us not lower our guard and get caught napping. Celebration of victory denotes a nation pulsating with life, inaction in victory may pave the path to defeat. Who wants to face defeat? Not the patriots in India.
It would be a good idea to win the minds and hearts of young Indians and motivate them to join the Armed Forces. DVDs, films, CDs and what have you, of the Kargil War may be screened for the young boys and girls so that they are motivated to emulate those who defended our motherland with all their might a decade ago. Let us sign off with the patriotic fervour and raise the slogan:
The Indian Army pays homage to our martyrs and celebrates the glorious victory of a hard-fought war. Those who fell for the cause of the country shall always be honoured in the Hall of Fame because they gave their today for our tomorrow. It is for patriotic martyrs that the poet sung these lines:
How else can a man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods.
Let us, at the outset, recall the gallantry of those officers and jawans who displayed gallantry of the highest order in the face of the enemy and beyond the call of duty. Of the fighting four who were honoured by the Nation with Param Vir Chakra, our highest gallantry award, the two officers had made the supreme sacrifice and the two Jawans are still on the rolls of their regiments. It would be appropriate to chronicle their brave deeds and how they beat the Pakistani soldiers hollow and made them realise in the heart of their hearts that their surreptitious intrusion into India that was masterminded by none other than General Pervez Musharraf, the then Pakistan Army Chief , was against the tenets of their own religion. What an unsoldierly behaviour the Pakistani planners displayed when they left their dead comrades-in-arms to be buried by Indian soldiers on the Indian soil. How humane our Army is had become the talk of the town all over. We now return
to our heroes of Kargil war, recalling just the four highest gallantry medal winners for now.
Capt Vikram Batra, PVC
“Personally leading an assault, Captain Vikram Batra engaged the enemy in a fierce hand to hand fight and killed five enemy soldiers at point blank range.During the assault he rallied his men, pressed home the attack and finally succeeded what seemed to be a militarily impossible task.
For his unparalleled feats of conspicuous personal gallantry, exemplaryleadership and selfless devotion to duty, Captain Vikram Batra was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra.”
Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey,PVC
This young officer led his platoon of Gorkha soldiers on the high hills of Khalubar and assaulted sangar after sangar dislodging the enemy soldiers from the high ground. Unmindful of his injuries sustained from the enemy fire, lt Manoj led his men from the front. At the fourth enemy sangar, he was grievously injured by the enemy machine gun fire but still threw a hand grenade killing many Pakistani soldiers. Thus his platoon could gain a foothold at Khalubar enabling his fellow soldiers advance further and recapture the Indian territory. Lt Pandey made the supreme sacrifice in the cause of the country and was posthumously awarded Param Vir Chakra.
Rifleman Sanjoy Kumar, PVC
He was the leading scout of a column detailed to recapture our territory from Pakistan Army. When the Indian soldiers came under enemy fire, Sanjoy , unmindful of his personal safety, charged at the well fortified enemy position in the Mushkoh valley.”In the ensuing hand to hand combat, he killed three Pakistani soldiers and was himself grievously injured. Unmindful of his wounds, he charged at another enemy sangar and the enemy fled leaving behind a machine gun.His bravery motivated his fellow soldiers who captured the entire area.
For his most conspicuous gallantry against heavy odds leading to the capture of an important objective, Rifleman Sanjoy Kumar was awarded Param Vir Chakra.
Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav, PVC
He was a part of the leading element of the Ghatak platoon tasked to capture the Tiger Hill Top.The approach to the 16,500ft top was rocky and snowy. Yogendra volunteered to climb up, fix a rope there to enable others to climb up. The enemy was surprised but reacted violently opening fire from every weapon they had. Three Grenadiers, including the team leader, were killed and advance stalled. Grenadier Yadav , unmindful of his personal safety, crawled to the enemy sangar, lobbed grenades while firing from his rifle and killed four Pakistani soldiers silencing their automatic fire.Notwithstanding injuries received in his arm and leg, grenadier yadav attacked another enemy sangar with success. Inspired by Yadav, the Ghatak platoon fought fiercely dislodging the enemy from the most important Tiger Hill Top.
For most conspicuous courage well beyond the call of duty, Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav was awarded Param Vir Chakra.
There were many more officers and men of the Indian Army who fought bravely to recover the lost Indian territory. Some sons of the brave did not return home. They made the supreme sacrifice. Those who returned told the saga of valour and their narration was heard with rapt attention by the new generation. How many went to war, how many were killed in action and how many survived is a matter of military history. What is of primary importance is that the entire Indian nation was ONE in India’s fight against a treacherous enemy. It is of importance that the Indian Army, supported by our Air Force, fought and won against Pakistan – our second victory against the enemy, including the one in the 1971 war. Since our independence in 1947, Pakistan has thrust four wars on us. The Indian Army was victorious in all four, notwithstanding the evil designs, imported arms and tacit, sometimes open, support of the United States that scheming Pakistan had had.
Where did Pakistan go wrong in Kargil? In their overconfidence and relying on their forward planning, they had the initial advantage of the element of Surprise in War and occupied a vast chunk of Indian territory – 160 km long and ten km in width or depth –but they did not take into account bravery of young officers of the Indian Army and Air Force as well as the unity of people of India. The whole of India stood by our Jawans and provided them both moral and material support. General Musharraf had miscalculated the resolve of the Vajpayee government in not only defending the motherland but also launching a counter offensive to free entire Kargil of Pakistani elements. In 1965 general Ayub of Pakistan had made a similar miscalculation in assessing the firm resolve and determination of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri of India. Pakistan was stunned when Shastri Ji ordered the Indian Army to cross the international border and attack Pakistan’s
Punjab. Likewise General Yahya Khan failed to read the mind of Smt Indira Gandhi who succeeded in dismembering Pakistan and giving birth to Bangla Desh. The Kargil misadventure of our hostile neighbour was a link in the chain of anti-India design aimed at destabilising our country. The moral of the story for India is: Never trust Pakistan and their leadership, both civil and military.
Rejoicings and celebrations after a well deserved victory in war is a must. It is a morale raising factor for the combatants, both serving and retired. The victory parades all over cantonments and non-cantonment towns make the new generation aware of the valour and wisdom of our armed forces. When the nation is threatened by an enemy, it can trust its armed forces who will deliver the goods. The young boys and girls make a resolution to follow the high ideals of the forefathers and the generation gone by and prepare themselves mentally to make the supreme sacrifice, if need be.
Perhaps there is a school of thought that believes that past should be buried and a base be made for economic cooperation. The votaries of this school for scandal are bureaucrats who had once advised the Government of India not to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of our victory on Pakistan in 1971. It is good that the political leadership turned a deaf ear to the advice of the chicken-hearted gentlemen. I am afraid they are misreading the mind of the wily enemy who is preparing to wage a thousand year war against India. Let us not lower our guard and get caught napping. Celebration of victory denotes a nation pulsating with life, inaction in victory may pave the path to defeat. Who wants to face defeat? Not the patriots in India.
It would be a good idea to win the minds and hearts of young Indians and motivate them to join the Armed Forces. DVDs, films, CDs and what have you, of the Kargil War may be screened for the young boys and girls so that they are motivated to emulate those who defended our motherland with all their might a decade ago. Let us sign off with the patriotic fervour and raise the slogan:
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